The character word for November is SERVICE. We are so thankful for those who serve the needs of others. Serving is an amazing character trait that can build up, help and encourage others. Our families, communities and workplaces need from each of us a strong service character. Service character means that a person demonstrates kindness and service to others in every interaction. The person validates others' efforts and accomplishments.
A service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Services do not always come from physical products. Below are some questions that families can consider and discuss at home.
What are some ways that you can serve others at home?
What are some ways you can serve at school?
What are some ways you can serve on your team?
What are some ways you can serve others in your community?
One way Archie School Elementary would like to show service is with a can drive. We CAN serve others! We will collect canned and non-perishable items to help with our local food pantry. Students will be challenged to bring in items from November 12th-15th. The items will be donated to David's Cupboard, a local food pantry.
We hope this will also help during the holiday season!
Mrs. Johnston, Archie School Counselor or 816-293-5312 x. 1011